Pastor Fr. Frank Amberger
(937) 392-1116
Parochial Vicar Fr. Andrew Cordonnier
(513) 875-5020 vicar@ohiocatholic.org
Deacon Dcn. Ronald S. Dvorachek
(937) 378-3066 rmdvorachek@hotmail.com
Fayetteville Office: 130 Stone Alley, Fayetteville, Ohio
Business Manager, St. Angela Merici and St. Michael Mt. Orab Tiffaney Aliff
(513) 875-5020 office@ohiocatholic.org
REP Coordinator for St. Angela Merici Beth Koch
(513) 875-5020 psr@ohiocatholic.org
REP Coordinator St. Michael Mt. Orab Regina Pritchard
(513) 604-9745
Ripley Office: 16 N 4th St, Ripley, OH 45167
Secretary for St. George, St. Mary and St. Michael Ripley Lee Ann Bradley
(937) 392-1116 lbradley@ohiocatholic.org
Book Keeper for St. George, St. Mary and St. Michael Ripley Amy Schwallie
(937) 392-1840 amyschwallie@outlook.com
Business Manager for St. George, St. Mary and St. Michael Ripley Gaile Sentney
(937) 392-1840 gaile.sentney@stmichaelripley.com
Pastoral Associate for St. Mary Marilyn Fryer
(937) 378-4583 mmmrf1989@frontier.com
REP for St. Mary Linda Mulvaney
(937) 763-4024 mulvaney_lin@yahoo.com
Pastoral Associate and REP St. George Joan St. Clair
(937) 378-6453 jstclair.sgchurch1@frontier.com
St. Michael Parochial School: 300 Market Street Ripley, OH 45167
Principal Andy Arn

Contact Us
Fayetteville Office
(513) 875-5020
Office Hours
8:00am - 4:00pm
Ripley Office
(937) 392-1116
Office Hours
9:00am - 4:00pm